Thursday, November 22, 2012

Flip Flop Recycling!

Bring your old Flip Flops (all brands and types) to BCE
anytime during the month of November.
The Flip Flop Recycle Box is located near the front office at BCE.
Our school will recycle them through TerraCycle.

Main image for Flip-Flop Brigade®

America Recycles Day is in November.
Help us recycle all these old Flip Flops this month!
BCBC Green Committee

BCE wins Longhorn Recycle Round up Green Award!

BCE was a Longhorn Recycle Roundup Winner! 
Due to the efforts of our teachers, students and parents, BCE was recognized for our outstanding campus recycling, conservation, and beautification initiatives. 
BCE was one of five campuses in the greater Austin area selected as a winner.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Pumpkin alert II

 ORANGE is the new “Green” for Halloween

And orange it was:
BCE collected 1 trailer and 1 pick up truck full of pumpkins on Friday, November 2nd, 2012.
This is BCE's second year in collecting pumpkins for local farmers.

A BIG THANK YOU to all of BCE students, teachers, staff, BCE Dad's club and parents to donate their time, pick up trucks, trailer and Halloween pumpkins.
Supporting our local farmers is very important in this economy and current drought!

We drove the pumpkins out to Green Gates Farm (they are sharing BCE pumpkins with the McGeary Farm).

Green Gates Farm:

* Unloading pumpkins:
* Happy pigs:
 * Giving pumpkins to two more pigs (never seen pigs THIS big!!!):

 * Pumpkins on compost pile:

(Chickens and the goat also got some pumpkins and were munching away).
For BCE students it was a great learning experience!
Reuse of pumpkins, visiting a local farm, being appreciated by the local farmers!

We are hoping for an even bigger pumpkin event next year!

 ORANGE is the new “green” for Halloween at BCE

This FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2th the Barton Creek Elementary School will be collecting carved and uncarved pumpkins to share with nearby pig and cattle farms.

Parent and student volunteers will be collecting your pumpkins during morning “Drop- Off” OR if you prefer, place your pumpkins along the grassy area at the back of the big parking lot anytime that same day. The pumpkins will leave BCE after school.

Not only will we be making quite a few cows and pigs happy with a pumpkin feast, our Earth will thank you as well for being ORANGE (The new “green” for Halloween)! 

Did You Know?
"About 1.1 billion pounds of pumpkin end up in our landfills after Halloween. Not only do these pumpkins take up space, they emit methane, a greenhouse gas 23 times more powerful than carbon dioxide." [1]

 If just 10 percent of all pumpkins sold this year were composted instead of being thrown out with the garbage, 100 million pounds of waste could be kept from the nation's landfills annually. The effect of this level of waste reduction would be as though nearly 42,000 U.S. households stopped producing garbage altogether.” [2]
