Monday, October 29, 2012

Featured: Ms Bowerman's 2nd grade class: Bottle Caps!!!

One innovative teacher, 
22 creative students, 
764 collected bottle caps: 

an awesome example of REUSE!!! 

Ms Bowerman's 2nd grade class collected 764 bottle caps.
These bottle caps were turned into math and spelling games for K through 2nd grade classrooms.

The students first counted the bottle caps:

4 student groups were formed.
These groups brainstormed on what game to make, for which grade level, and how many bottle caps they needed for the game.

Still thinking...

One group wrote the ABC on the bottle caps, for this game the player needs to arrange the bottle caps in alphabetical order (for Kindergarten class):

This group made a spelling game for 1st grade:

Another group created a math game, learning how to count money, for 2nd graders:

Finally writing down directions:

Games were delivered to classrooms. Happy learning! Great REUSE!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

First Lunch Trash weigh out!

The Green Committee weighed trash in the cafeteria today, October 2nd.

Our BCE students produced a very sad 168 lbs of trash:
this is the trash from just 1 lunch!!!

168 lbs x 5 days = 840 lbs per week
840 lbs x 36 school weeks =      30,240 lbs     per school year!!!
And yes, that number is in red because it is very alarming, don't you think?

How you can help?
* talk to your student about making healthy eating choices: we compost on Fridays but all other days all the leftover fruit and veggies will go into trash!
* if you pack lunch for your student: use a reusable lunch box,
communicate with your child on what he would like to eat for lunch,
encourage your child to eat his/her lunch and also
if she/he cannot finish his whole lunch, it is fine to take the rest back home (afternoon snack time?)

The Green Committee will weigh trash again in November after
HEB Westlake will provide a  
Healthy Eating education in all our classrooms.
We are very hopeful that students will reduce their trash afterwards
= eat more healthy food during lunch.
Stay tuned for more info on this awesome event!!!